Mission #1 - Be the most trusted and dependable REALTOR® in Colorado.

At the moment, my service area may be the Denver and Colorado Springs markets, but in terms of quality and caliber of Real Estate Agents, I’m not only striving to be the best-in-class of these areas; I want to be ranked and graded against all of Colorado.

At the forefront of my business are the people who I serve right as they’re making decisions that will affect the remainder of their lives. When the stakes are this high, there is ZERO room for distrust and unreliable service from the Agent who’s charged with representing their interests. So, to that, I say, “there’s no room in my business for anything less than transparency and confidence in service.”

With that in mind, I’ve carefully chosen Trust and Dependability as the foundational values for HomesDW. When fitted together, I believe these values provide the framework of my realty business where the only possible byproduct is a best-in-class REALTOR®… and one who holds herself accountable to the incredibly high expectations that come with it.

  • Honesty

  • Satisfaction in service

  • Confidence in expertise

  • Reliable and consistent performance

  • Motivated by a desire to serve, not to profit


Mission #2 - Build Relationships that Sustain